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Effective Home Remedy for Immediate Constipation Relief

Jun 07, 2024


Experiencing severe constipation can feel overwhelmingly uncomfortable, but there are numerous home remedies you can try to find relief. Your digestive health is crucial, and when you're facing acute constipation, the discomfort can disrupt your daily life. Fortunately, with a few strategies, you can make yourself poop right from the comfort of your home. 

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The Obvious Stuff

Drink water. Staying well-hydrated is essential for softening your stool, making it easier to pass. Along with water, sipping on warm beverages might help by relaxing the gut. 

Shake it loose. Exercise such as shaking, jumping jacks, or trampolining can stimulate a bowel movement. 

While these tips have helped many, remember that if you're experiencing persistent or extremely painful constipation, seek advice from a medical professional. 

Immediate Constipation Relief Techniques

Hang in there! Try some of these strategies for immediate relief. If these don't help, go to urgent care and they might do a Digital Rectal Disimpaction procedure (see below). The relief will be worth the little bit of dignity you lose. :)

I am not a medical professional. Consult your medical doctor before trying these products or techniques, especially if you are pregnant or helping a young child.

Drink Hot Water

Starting your morning with 24-32 oz of hot water can stimulate your digestive system. The warmth helps to relax your intestines and can stimulate a bowel movement. I drink a 16 oz glass while I’m waiting for my green tea to steep, then drink the tea to get 24+ ounces first thing in the morning. It sounds like a lot, but JUST DO IT!


Sit in a squat, 10-15 minutes at a time, as often as possible. It puts a squeeze on the large intestines from both sides, giving a little push to what’s in there. If squatting is not accessible to you, lay down and hold a knee to your chest and breath deeply. After a minute, switch to the other knee. I sit in a squat while drinking my morning hot water. Multitasking! Your pets will love it, too.

Squat to Poop

Adopting a squatting position, either by using a stool to prop up your feet while on the toilet or squatting directly, if safe, aligns your body parts in a way that may ease the passage of stool. [SQUATTY POTTY STOOL]

Massage Your Belly

People resist this because it "feels uncomfortable", but you might need to face some discomfort to feel better. Gently massaging your abdomen can help to physically push poop through and relax tense spots to allow bowel movement. You can do this in any position, but lying down opens up the area for good access. Massage the abdomen in circles, up and down, and with a shaking action. Pay attention to hard or tender spots. It's your body. Get to know the landscape in there. Feeling better is worth the effort.


Shaking your belly, especially after drinking a glass of water. You can do this standing and bending at the knees for an up and down shaking of the whole body.

Pressing on the Perineum and Under the tailbone

This can manually move impacted feces and stimulate the rectum into action. I know this sounds terrible to many people, but this is no time to be squeamish. We'll address those personal and social stigmas in another article. It's your body. Take charge of it. Like my drawing? Not to scale :)

How hard should you press? It shouldn't hurt. You might feel the feces through your skin. You might be able to break up large stools. [Yale Study Here]

Sitz Baths

A warm sitz bath relaxes the muscles around your anus and can ease the strain while trying to pass a bowel movement. Soak for 10-20 minutes for an optimal effect. Fill a bathtub or basin you can sit in with just enough water to cover your anus and perineum. Optional, but Epsom salt can help.


Suppositories are very effective tools and essential to keep on hand. They work by drawing fluids into the intestine and lubricating the rectum. If you haven't used them, it takes a bit of getting used to, but so worth it. The common drug store variety are made from glycerin, but there are others made from cocoa butter, coconut oil, and essential oils. If cannabis is legal in your area, you might find CBD or cannabis infused suppositories, which claim to reduce inflammation. Very important to follow instructions on the package.


Saline enemas are amazing. They work by squirting saline fluid into the rectum. The hardest part is holding in the fluid so it can work to soften things up a bit. Once some fluid gets behind the log jam, things can open up quickly. Stay within one stride of the toilet! Very important to follow instructions and warnings on the package. Here's a tip: Be gentle inserting the tip :)

Olive Oil and Coffee

Like an enema from the other end! In a blender, blend up a cup of warm coffee (decaf is ok) with 2~3 Tablespoons of olive oil and whatever you like in your coffee. Warning: you may not like coffee anymore after this. Other people have tried it with cola. The blending is to make it easier to drink, but it will separate if left too long. This can easily move the needle too far and give you diarrhea, so sip cautiously. Midwives use 8-12 oz of olive oil to induce labor! Your locally owned coffee shop might mix one up for you.

Herbal Colon Cleanse Supplement

My fav herbal colon cleanse is aloe and rhubarb based. It is safe for frequent use. It works overnight and I use it in my travel protocol. [BUY ON AMAZON]

Fiber Drinks

I'm a fan of psyllium based fiber drinks (Metamucil) because they work quickly without the side effects of stimulant laxatives. Read the label. Please tell me you read the label... Fiber shots anyone? Line'em up bartender!

Hemorrhoid Cream

Pain from hemorrhoids can cause extra anxiety and subconscious resistance to pooping. A good topical cream can cool the pain and reduce swelling. This helps you get into the pooping mindset. I like Reejoys Herbal, but there are many good ones wherever fine anal products are sold.

Hot Pack

Heat up a hot pack and lay with it on your lower belly for 15-20 minutes. It can help relax the pelvic floor muscles which might be restraining your poop.

Yoga for Pooping

Check out YouTube for "yoga for constipation" videos. Relaxing and stretching your entire body can help get in the Rest-and-Digest mode that gets the colon's pumping action turned on.

Over-the-Counter Solutions (OTC)

For occasional use, consider laxatives like Magnesium Hydroxide or stool softeners that are readily available at pharmacies. Always follow the dosage instructions on the label. This is not a long term solution. Repeat: this is not a long term solution. Do the work to heal whatever is causing the constipation and your life will change in amazing and unexpected ways.

When to Seek Medical Help

If you're dealing with acute severe constipation, it's important to observe your symptoms and decide when medical intervention is necessary. Many people avoid going to the doctor out of embarrassment, but I'd trade my dignity to avoid a perforated colon or severe diverticulitis any day. Extreme pain or bleeding? Please, just go.

Recognizing Constipation Emergencies

Constipation becomes an emergency when you experience symptoms beyond the typical discomfort associated with passing stools. Here are key signs indicating that you need to seek immediate medical attention:

  • Severe abdominal pain: This could be a sign of a blockage or other serious complication.
  • Blood in your stool: Visible blood can indicate internal bleeding or other severe conditions.
  • Prolonged absence of bowel movements: Not having a bowel movement for more than a week is a serious concern.
  • Vomiting or nausea: If these symptoms accompany constipation, it could suggest an urgent or more significant underlying issue.

Learn more about the severity of these symptoms and when to contact a healthcare professional from this Verywell Health article.

Manual removal - digital rectal disimpaction

Digital rectal disimpaction (DRD) is a physical method to remove impacted stool. This procedure should only be considered when less invasive treatments have failed and should never be performed without consulting a healthcare provider first.

This procedure should only be conducted by trained medical personnel in a controlled and sterile environment. Attempting this procedure without proper knowledge and training can lead to complications, including injury or infection.

The procedure is known as digital rectal disimpaction, and it is reserved for cases of severe constipation when other measures have proven unsuccessful. Here is a general overview of the procedure:

Digital Rectal Disimpaction Procedure:

  • Patient Positioning:
    • The patient is usually positioned on their left side with their knees drawn up towards the chest or in a knee-chest position.
    • The healthcare professional may use lubrication on a gloved finger to facilitate the procedure.
  • Gloving and Lubrication:
    • The healthcare provider wears a sterile, disposable glove.
    • A water-soluble lubricant is applied to the gloved finger to ease insertion.
  • Insertion of Finger:
    • The healthcare provider gently inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum.
    • Care is taken to avoid causing any injury to the rectal wall.
  • Digital Exploration:
    • The healthcare provider carefully feels for the impacted stool within the rectum.
    • Gentle and controlled movements are employed to break up and dislodge the stool mass.
  • Removal of Fecal Material:
    • As the impacted stool is located, it is manually broken into smaller pieces and removed.
    • The healthcare provider continues this process until the rectum is cleared of the impaction.
  • Monitoring and Post-Procedure Care:
    • Vital signs and the patient's comfort are monitored throughout the procedure.
    • Post-procedure care may include recommendations for dietary changes, hydration, and other measures to prevent future constipation.

Performing DRD can carry risks such as rectal tears or triggering a vagal response (lightheadedness, sweating, blurry vision). If you think DRD is needed, seek guidance from a professional, like those described in this Healthline guide.


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