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This Site Does Not Provide Medical Advice

All of the content provided on GetPooping.com, such as text, treatments, dosages, outcomes, charts, patient profiles, graphics, photographs, images, advice, messages, forum postings, and any other material provided on this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. 


GetPooping.com does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned by Members on this Website. Reliance on any information provided by GetPooping.com, by persons appearing on the Website at the invitation of GetPooping, or by other Members is solely at your own risk. 


Any application of the material provided is at the reader's discretion and is his or her sole responsibility


Health Disclaimer


Please read this health disclaimer before applying any of the information on the GetPooping Website


Regular exercise is one of the healthiest habits you can form. But it’s not always without risk, even for healthy individuals. Certain types of exercise are riskier than others and all exercise is risky for some individuals.


It’s the same with diet. Some dietary recommendations are healthy for the majority of people but potentially dangerous to others.


You are responsible for your own health and safety at all times. As such, by visiting and using the GetPooping Website you are agreeing to the following:


1. You acknowledge and agree that you have been assessed by a qualified medical professional (i.e. your doctor) who has given you consent to take part in physical activity.


2. You acknowledge and agree that before you choose a new or different type of workout or exercise program to follow, you have been assessed and given consent to follow that workout or exercise program by a qualified medical professional (i.e. your doctor).


3. You acknowledge and agree that before you choose to make changes to your diet, you have been assessed and given consent to make those dietary changes by a qualified medical professional (i.e. your doctor).


4. You acknowledge and agree that all the information on the GetPooping Website (whether written or in audio-visual format), and within ebooks and courses sold via the GetPooping Website is for general guidance purposes only and may not be suitable for you or anyone you share it with. We are not medical professionals nor is anyone associated with GetPooping.com.  In no way should the exercise or dietary information on the GetPooping Website replace or in anyway interfere with guidance given to you by a medical professional. If you to fail to seek medical clearance or if you ignore medical advice, you do so at your own risk and no one associated with GetPooping.com (its employees, owners, freelance contributors) shall hold any liability for damage and/or injury caused.


5. You acknowledge and agree that many of the exercises, workouts or training plans presented on GetPooping are not suitable for individuals who have not yet fully matured physically. Certain exercises, intensity levels and training volumes that may be suitable for fully mature adults can be harmful for children and adolescents. The exercises and training plans on the GetPooping Website are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.


6. You acknowledge and agree that all forms of exercise carry an element of risk even if you have no underlying medical conditions and are of a suitable physical maturity. If you choose to follow any of the exercises, workouts or training plans presented on GetPooping you are choosing to participate in these risks at your own free will, knowingly and voluntarily exposing yourself to all the potential risks associated with such exercise activities.


7. You acknowledge and agree that anyone associated with GetPooping.com does not guarantee or provide a warranty that the information on GetPooping.com is correct and up-to-date. You should consult a qualified medical professional before applying any of the information on this Website, who will inform you whether it is safe and appropriate for you personally.


8. You acknowledge and agree that if you harm yourself as a result of applying information on the GetPooping Website, or harm someone else by passing on that information, you cannot hold anyone associated with GetPooping.com responsible. You acknowledge and agree that you apply information on this Website completely at your own risk, knowing that you can harm yourself or another person, especially if you don’t seek the advice of a medical professional first.


9. You acknowledge and agree that anyone associated with GetPooping.com does not guarantee or provide a warranty as to the safety, suitability and accuracy of any third party websites, workouts, training plans, dietary programs, exercise equipment, supplements and other such resources that GetPooping.com links to.


10. If you do not agree with any of points 1 to 8 above, then you should not apply any of the exercises, workouts, training plans or dietary information on the GetPooping Website.




Should we update, amend or make any changes to this document, those changes will be prominently posted here.


Conquering Constipation - Your 8 Steps to Break the Cycle of Bathroom Misery


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Our goal is a comfortable poop every day! 30 Day Money Back Get Pooping Guarantee.

What People Are Saying:

I will continue with the practice because it works and it's all thanks to you...You have a valuable and unique course.

Ruth W.

After [the Tension Release Set] I pooped four times in one day!

Robin A.