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A Comfortable Poop Every Day




I've lived the pain, embarrassment, frustration, and anxiety that comes with chronic constipation.

I found a way out and I want to share it with you.

Conquering Constipation course

An 8-step plan with daily lessons, exercises, and practices. For the person who has "tried everything", this is a unique multi-modal approach. 

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1-on-1 coaching

I can support multiple people as you can see, but sometimes you want private, personal support. We can chat.

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AMAs and DIY guides

Learn actionable skills and get questions answered.

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Robin A.

"After [the Tension Release set] I pooped four times in one day!"

Ruth W.

 "I will continue with the practice because it works and it's all thanks to you...You have a valuable and unique course."

Karen S.

"I cannot tell you how much this has helped me already. Thank you so very much"

Can I send you an email when something awesome is happening? I promise I won't constipate your inbox.

The latest AMAs and DIY Guides 

Is a Bidet Helpful for Constipation and Hemorrhoids?

Aug 17, 2024

What is constipation costing you?

Chronic constipation takes a significant toll on your mental and physical health. It affects your relationships, your career, and your enjoyment of life. It keeps you trapped in a cycle of anxiety and urgent treatments that disrupt your days. 

The cost of living with constipation is high—not just financially, but in the precious moments of life you miss out on...

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I’m a movement coach who helps people love their bodies..

I bring 30 years of holistic experience teaching and practicing yoga, partner acrobatics, and hapkido to help my students thrive. Get in here!

Conquering Constipation Course

An 8-Step Plan
I finally found the “invisible” causes of my constipation. It takes a combination of modalities to conquer your constipation. I’m sharing my years of hard won poop wisdom in an easy to “digest” format to help you have a happy poop every day.
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Can I send you an email when something awesome is happening? I promise I won't constipate your inbox.